- 精准的运动监测系统
- 内置专业运动算法,可精准识别跑步、骑行、游泳等20余种运动模式
- 配备六轴陀螺仪和加速度计,运动监测更加精准
- 支持心率、血氧、血压、睡眠质量等多项健康指标监测
- 智能健康管理系统
- 24小时实时健康监测,无缝连接个人健康档案
- AI智能分析,生成个性化健康评估报告
- 提供饮食建议、运动计划、作息调整等全方位健康管理服务
- 便捷的智能生活助手
- 支持来电提醒、短信提醒、社交软件消息推送
- 内置NFC功能,轻松实现公交刷卡、商场支付
- 与手机保持持续连接,随时随地掌控信息
- 超长续航能力
- 采用低功耗设计,日常使用模式下续航长达20天
- 运动模式下可持续使用15小时
- 佩戴舒适度
- 采用符合人体工学的表带设计,贴合手腕曲线
- 表带材质经过防过敏处理,适合长时间佩戴
- 一体式设计,让运动过程更加便捷舒适
- 操作便捷性
- 智能触控屏幕,操作流畅灵敏
- 系统界面简洁直观,操作简单易懂
- 可通过语音控制完成多种功能操作
- 数据精准性
- 专业级运动数据监测,精准度达到医疗级别的98%
- 所有数据均经过江南体育运动研究院的专业认证
- 可与个人医疗健康档案无缝对接
- 运动爱好者
- 专业跑者、骑行爱好者、游泳健儿等
- 需要专业运动数据监测和分析的人群
- 健康管理人群
- 关注个人健康状况的人群
- 需要科学运动指导的企业白领、中老年群体
- 智能科技尝鲜者
- 追求时尚、科技感的年轻消费群体
- 喜欢尝试最新智能穿戴设备的科技爱好者
In line with the national fitness boom, the 2024 Jiangnan Sports "Latest on the Homepage" wearable device was launched, marking a new era of technological innovation in China's sports and health sector. As a sports goods brand with a long history, Jiangnan Sports has always adhered to the development philosophy of "Technology Empowering Movement" and "Health Leading the Future".
Intelligent Monitoring System
The 2024 Jiangnan Sports wearable device is equipped with a precise movement monitoring system that can accurately identify over 20 types of exercises, including running, cycling, and swimming. With advanced sensors and algorithms, it ensures accurate data tracking.
Health Management
The device features an intelligent health management system that provides 24/7 health monitoring, generating personalized health analysis reports and offering comprehensive advice on diet, exercise, and sleep.
Convenient Smart Features
As a smart life assistant, the device supports call alerts, SMS notifications, and social media message pushing. It also integrates NFC for public transport use and seamless payment.
Battery Life
With low-power design, the device can last up to 20 days in daily use and 15 hours in sports mode.
Target Audience
The product caters to fitness enthusiasts, health-conscious individuals, and tech-savvy early adopters.
Product Background
The device reflects Jiangnan Sports' commitment to enhancing public health and leveraging technology for sports innovation. It marks a new chapter in the brand's journey to promote a scientific, healthy, and modern lifestyle.
The 2024 Jiangnan Sports wearable device bridges the gap between passion for movement and technological wisdom, offering precise guidance, comprehensive health management, and intelligent living experiences. Choosing Jiangnan Sports means embracing a scientific, healthy, and stylish lifestyle. Let's measure health with technology and achieve a better life through exercise!